Friday, February 11, 2011

Post Chore Manhattan

Andrea and Lucy are visiting with the Hale ladies tonight, so that left me with a free night to get some things done around the house. I managed to fertilize the lawn, round up all the weeds (no small task), prepare the stakes for stringing the deck tomorrow, finish building my new time trial bike for Sunday's race, loaded the dishwasher, swapped out the laundry, and finally vacuumed the house with our new vacuum. Andrea will argue that not one of the activities listed above is a "chore", because I get pleasure out of doing each of them. I can't really argue with her, especially vacuuming the floors with the new Shark Upright that we got suckered into buying off an infomercial. We are not proud of ourselves for falling victim to a skilled TV pitchman, especially since it is the second time it has happened, but this new vacuum was worth every penny.

Back to the above mentioned Manhattan....

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