Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Post for Betsy

This post is dedicated to the Betsy Sensenig, friend of the Baldwins and quite possibly one of the finest human beings that the borough of Ephrata has ever produced (Casey Coble is up there of course).

There is much to report from Tampa today.  Lucy spent her first afternoon at the Center City YMCA Child Care Center while I swam some laps in the pool.  Being her first time with the YMCA staff, we decided to keep it short.  It also helped that I didn't feel like swimming more than 1,000 yards, so it was a win/win for everyone.  After her semi-successful time in the Child Car Center (there was some crying), I rewarded her with a nice invigorating swim in the pool.  I did end up dressing her in the men's locker room afterwards, and it was a little more awkward than I anticipated, as there were 4-5 other adult males in there getting ready to swim and work out.  I don't know much about 18 month old's memory retention, but hopefully she can blur that out.

Here's a picture of the front of the YMCA.  I couldn't find one of the pool, but this gives you a taste of the sunshine and palm trees.  Tropical paradise.

We have a wonderful visitor coming to town this weekend.......none other than Aunt Susie.  We have our fingers crossed that she remembers what airport she is flying out of and makes her flight.  Given some past travel experiences, this is a serious risk.

Here is a photo of Aunt Susie holding little Lucy a few weeks after she was born.  This was their first meeting, and they have since become fast friends.....

Not quite sure what Aunt Susie is checking for in this picture, but Lucy does not look terribly comfortable.

In this picture, Aunt Susie is helping Andrea showcase Lucy to the paparazzi along a busy Chicago street as they exit one of the city's newest and trendiest eateries.  So hot right now.

Last, but not obviously not least, is Aunt Susie accompanying Lucy and I to a gala celebrating my many humanitarian works.  There have been many, but this particular ceremony was honoring the work I did with the Humane Society of Yorkville, IL.  

As you can see, Aunt Susie has been a big part of both Lucy's life and the Baldwin's life, whether we are in Tampa or traveling the world.  We are very excited to have her in town this weekend, and will hopefully be able to add some more photos next week!